Tinh Hoa Binh Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: March 31, 2025, 1:46 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 15.33°C
Temperature feels like: 14.28°C
Minimum Temperature: 15.33°C
Maximum Temperature: 15.33°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1022hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 0.77m/sec
Wind Direction: 40 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-30 10:53:25
Sunset: 2025-03-31 11:12:44
Hang Kia is a little valley perched on an altitude of 900-1,200m above sea level. While Hang Kia is part of Mai Chau District of Hoa Binh, it belongs to the Moc Chau Plateau geographically. Hang Kia is 170km southwest of Hanoi via Route 6.
Travel Guide to Hang Kia Valley, Hoa Binh
Hang Kia was separated mostly from the mainstream society until recently. The whole area of Hang Kia was surrounded by forests some 10 years ago. Illegal logging and poaching have done quite some damage to local natural environment.
A village road at Hang Kia Valley
People and Population
The population at Hang Kia is a Red H’mong community who leads a quiet life and who is now more open and friendly to the visitors. Visiting Hang Kia, one can learn a lot about their daily life.

Local Hmong people at Hang Kia seem to have better longevity than most mountain dwellers in Vietnam, they have quite a few people over 100 years of age.
Dawn at Hang Kia
Hang Kia Tourist Attractions, What to See
1/ The lovely climate
Hang Kia has a temperate climate with pleasant temperatures in the summer and cold temperatures in the winter. Hang Kia is getting to be a popular tourist destination for wealthy young couples from Hanoi at weekend who look for fresh air and amazing landscape. Route 6 from Hanoi to Hang Kia is in excellent condition nowadays.

2/ The breathtaking natural landscape
Hang Kia is right on the edge of the Moc Chau Plateau and it has both mountainous landscape as well as plateau landscape. There are places at Hang Kia that you can take in rolling hills of the Moc Chau Plateau and have spectacular views of the sublime mountains down the Mai Chau Valley.
The little road to the Hang Kia Valley
Hang Kia in the early morning
3/ Amazing Hmong Culture
The Red Hmong at Hang Kia is reserved to strangers but once you have got some time with them, you’ll find they are among the most friendly peoples in Vietnam. Local people have not much time getting in touch with the outside world and many of them do not speak Vietnamese. And that is the reason sometimes you’ll find people ignore your questions. But once they get acquainted with your present in the valley, then they even invite you to their home.
Dawn at Hang Kia
4/ Flowers in November – February
From November through December, the whole Hang Kia Valley is filled up with spinach and plum blossoms. From late December through February, the peach blossoms boasts their dazzling beauty in the whole area of the Moc Chau Plateau and Hang Kia. You visit Hang Kia during this time, you’ll be charmed for certain!
A patch of forest at Hang Kia
A trekking trail amid a thin forest
5/ Unreal clouds from September through March
Enjoy dawn at Hang Kia with unreal ocean of clouds right below you! That is an amazing scene you’ll get at Hang Kia from September through March.
Clouds and mountains on a trek at Hang Kia
A forest trail at Hang Kia
6/ Scenic rice terraces
Rice terraces at Hang Kia
A trail amid lovely rice terraces
An endless trail amid rice terraces
6/ Scenic rice terraces

Things to Do, Travel and Tours
Hang Kia is a great place to escape the delta summer heat in the summer for families with kids, a wonderful place for couples and an off-the-beaten track destination for the adventure travelers. There are different trekking routes at Hang Kia with different landscapes: rice terraces, forest, rolling hills...
Paradissa offers relaxing family tours and trekking tours in Hang Kia and from Hang Kia to the Mai Chau Valley. The tours are for 2-5 days.

Where to Stay, Accommodation
Accommodations at Hang Kia include homestay at local Hmong families. Some homestays have private bungalow with en-suite bathroom and fairly luxurious condition.

Getting there and away
Hang Kia is 170km southwest of Hanoi via Route 6, 35km northwest of Mai Chau Town, 95km from Hoa Binh City. From Hang Kia to Moc Chau Farm Town, it is 40km via Route 6. The road trip from Hanoi to Hang Kia takes 4 hours.