Vietnam Luxury Travel Holidays Family Tours Vietnam

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Kon Tum Seminary School
Country: Vietnam
Province: Kon Tum

Kon Tum Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: February 21, 2025, 5:10 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Broken Clouds

Temperature: 28.49°C
Temperature feels like: 28.03°C
Minimum Temperature: 28.49°C
Maximum Temperature: 28.49°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1015hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 2.51m/sec
Wind Direction: 78 degrees
Cloudiness: 51%
Sunrise: 2025-02-20 11:09:57
Sunset: 2025-02-21 10:54:21

Kon Tum is located to the top north of the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The province is bordered to the north by Quang Nam Province, to the west by Laos and Cambodia; to the east by Quang Ngai Province and to the south and south west by Gia Lai Province.


Kon Tum is covered with mostly primary forests and home to a number of national parks. Some national parks have a very rich wild life including the rare species such as albino rhinoceros. Besides, Kon Tum was the area that many fierce battles took place during the war, many groups of veterans have joined Paradissa to visit the former battle fields where they had spent a part of their life.

Kon Tum is at the time of writing relatively off the tourist track and it's very likely that when you travel in the area you won't get a sight of other tourists. This area is recommended to the travelers who have interests in pristine nature and ethnic culture, or who would like to travel back in time to the fierce battles taking place here.

People and Population

Kon Tum is home to some 27 ethnic groups including the Bahnar, Jarai, Rengao and Xe – Dang, of which some live a separate life from the mainstream society. Most of them preserve a very traditional culture which have been the highlights of our travelers' trip in the Central Highlands.

Kon Tum Travel Guide, What to See, Major Tourist Attractions in Kon Tum

1/ Chu Mom Ray National Park

Chu Mom Ray National Park has an area of 48.658ha covering the district of Sa Thay and Ngoc Hoi, 55km west of Kon Tum Town. The park has a rich wild life including tigers, elephants, boars, bulls...

2/ The Konklor Suspension Bridge, Konklor Village

The Konklor Suspension Bridge of Konklor Village right in the town of Kon Tum connects the 2 banks of the Dak Bla River. The Konklor Village is inhabited by the Bahnar People. Following the trails flanked by plantations of coffee, banana you'll arrive at Konkotu Village where lots of traditions of the Bahnar People are preserved and told by the chief of the village. Visiting a Bahnar Village you'll be invited to the Community House (Nha Rong) towering in the center of the community.

3/ Mang Den

Mang-Deng Plateau is 1100 – 1400 m in elevation, 50km from Kon Tum Town. The area has a temperate climate and covered completely by evergreen pine forests. Mang-Den is inhabited by the M'Nam People.

4/ The Wooden Church

The Wooden Church was built in 1913 by a French Catholic Missionary and built out of wood only. The church has a nice architecture blended perfectly with traditional design of the auxiliary buildings.

Wooden Church Kontum Vietnam
The wooden church at Kon Tum

5/ Old Battlefields

Dakto Tan Canh, Peak 601 (Kon Loong Pha Hill)

Things to do, Travel and Tours in Kon Tum

Kon Tum is home to many ethnic minorities with well-preserved culture. Kon Tum is definitely an ideal destination for the adventure travelers, the culture-seekers and the eco tourists. Besides Kon Tum has been visited by a number of war veterans who once had been here. There are many former battle fields still bearing the vivid scars of war which are visited on Paradissa’s special tours for veterans to travel back in time and learn about the history.

Paradissa Travel has got a number of biking and motorbiking tours for our adventure travellers to discover the secrets of the Central Highlands. Please contact us for further details.

Where to Stay, Accommodation

The only choice for the travelers to Kon Tum is mini hotels in town with very basic facilities. Alternatively you can choose to stay with a local ethnic family in one of their traditional houses. This way you can adventure back to their rich traditions and culture. The facilities are nothing, but the cultural experience can be unforgettable.

If you insist on luxury travel services on your vacations, then there is an option to day-trip to sites around Kon Tum and return to a luxury hotel in Pleiku (Gia Lai).

Getting there and away

1/ By air

There are daily direct flights between Ho Chi Minh City - Pleiku and Da Nang – Pleiku. The direct flights take around 1 hour. The flight Ha Noi – Pleiku transits via Da Nang.

2/ By road

Kon Tum is 49 kilometres north of Plei Ku, 246 kilometres north of Buon Ma Thuot, 230 kilometres northwest of Qui Nhon and 436 kilometres northwest of Nha Trang, 320km from Da Nang via Ho Chi Minh Road.

Kon Tum Average Monthly Rainfall and Temperatures

Vietnam Travel Guide