Tuy Hoa Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: March 31, 2025, 1:14 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 24.66°C
Temperature feels like: 25.4°C
Minimum Temperature: 24.66°C
Maximum Temperature: 24.66°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1014hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 5.66m/sec
Wind Direction: 4 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-30 10:39:38
Sunset: 2025-03-31 10:54:07
Phu Yen is a coastal province in the south Central Region of Vietnam. Phu Yen is bordered to the north by Binh Dinh Province, to the south by Khanh Hoa Province to the west by Gia Lai Province, to the south-west by Dak Lak Province and to the east by the East Vietnam Sea.

Tuy Hoa City - Phu Yen Province - Vietnam
Phu Yen Geography
Phu Yen has hilly terrains combined with narrow strips of plains running close to the sea. There are low hills and lakes which separate these plains from the sea in some areas. The mountainous terrain accounts for 70% of the provincial land surface. The topography is higher to the west and lower towards to the sea to the east. There are still primeval forests to the west of the province.

A sand dune at Phu Yen, Vietnam
There are several rivers in Phu Yen most of which start in in the mountains east of Vietnam’s Central Highlands and all of which discharge their waters into the East Vietnam Sea. The biggest river in Phu Yen is Song Ba (Da Rang or Ia Drang River…) which discharges its water into the sea at Tuy Hoa. The other 2 big rivers are Ky Lo (or Cai River) to the north of Tuy Hoa and Ban Thach to the south of Tuy Hoa.
Phu Yen Weather and Climate, Best Time to Visit
Phu Yen has a monsoon tropic climate with 2 seasons: the dry season from January to July and the rainy season from August to December. The average temperature is about 26.5 Degrees Celsius and average humidity is 80%. The annual rainfall ranges from 1,500mm-3,000mm.
There are several beaches in Phu Yen with fine white sand which are not yet visited much by either foreign travelers and Vietnamese tourists. If you would like a holiday or an adventure far from the crowds in Vietnam, Phu Yen could be an excellent choice.
What To See, Tourist Attractions in Phu Yen
Phu Yen has many mountains and fine white sand beaches. There are high peaks over 1,000m in elevation which are good for hiking and ecotourism. The white sand beaches run almost the full length of the province are ideal for getaway beach vacations.
The highlights of Phu Yen include:
1/Deserted beaches and the scenic landscapes along the coast
2/The Cham Ruins of Nhan Tower at Tuy Hoa City

Nhan Cham Tower at Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen
3/Xuan Dai Bay
Amazing blue sea and white sandy beaches at Xuan Dai Bay in Phu Yen, Vietnam
4/Thach Bi Son (Nui Da Bia, or Mountain of Epitaph)
The mountain is right near Deo Ca Pass and right close to the coast. Those complete the hike to the top at 706m above sea level are awarded with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding.

Thach Bi Son Mountain, Phu Yen, Vietnam
5/Vung Ro Bay
The cove was one of the harbors that received war supplies from North Vietnam for the battlefields in the Central Highlands.
Vung Ro Bay, Phu Yen, Vietnam
6/O Loan Lagoon
The lagoon with brackish water is a great place for seafood.

O Loan Lake, Phu Yen, Vietnam
What To Do, Sightseeing Tours, Beach Vacations in Phu Yen
Paradissa offers luxury beach holidays at the luxury resorts in Phu Yen; the side trips include sightseeing tours by car, bicycle tours or motorbike tours to visit different attractions in Phu Yen. Please contact our travel experts for further details.
Tourism is still in its infancy in Phu Yen and there are not many local travel agencies and tour operators. It’d take some time to get local team in travel and hospitality to be more professional. While Paradissa operates the tours and vacation packages in Phu Yen ourselves, we do rely on local partnered tour companies for the tour guide service and for certain transfers within the province.
Where to stay, Hotels and Resorts in Phu Yen
There are several hotels in Phu Yen with 4-star and 5-star luxury hotels and resorts near Tuy Hoa City. Several hotels with basic facilities can be found along the nearly 200km-coastline in the province. Phu Yen is definitely a great destinations for holidays far from the crowds.
What To Eat in Phu Yen
Because there are so many rivers, lakes and huge area of sea water combined with good fishing facilities in the province, there is plentiful seafood for you on your holidays in Phu Yen and the seafood here is dirt cheap. Keep in mind that things change fast nowadays and one should not be surprised to find out that Phu Yen turns into a hot tourist destination in Vietnam soon.
How to get to and how to travel around Phu Yen
The capital of Phu Yen is Tuy Hoa City which is 120km north of Nha Trang City and 100km south of Quy Nhon City. Route 1 connects Phu Yen and other cities to the north and south of the province. Besides, there are routes connecting Phu Yen and the Central Highlands to the west.
The airport at Tuy Hoa (5km from the city center) which has daily flights to/from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).
Tuy Hoa Train Station is right in the city center which is convenient for accessing the city and the beach front area. There are many daily trains which travel between Hanoi and Saigon and which stop at Tuy Hoa.
The tourist attractions in Phu Yen are scattered in the province and you are to travel quite a while to get from one spot to another. The roads are good and you can get around easily by bike, motorbike or by taxi/private vehicle.
Tuy Hoa Average Monthly Rainfall and Temperatures