Vietnam Luxury Travel Holidays Family Tours Vietnam

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Mai Chau Market, Hoa Binh
Country: Vietnam
Province: Hoa Binh
District: Mai Chau

Tinh Hoa Binh Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: February 21, 2025, 1:29 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 19.22°C
Temperature feels like: 19.7°C
Minimum Temperature: 19.22°C
Maximum Temperature: 19.22°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1020hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.35m/sec
Wind Direction: 110 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-02-20 11:25:06
Sunset: 2025-02-21 11:00:31

Mai Chau Market has gatherings everyday but the busiest session is on Sunday Mornings. You may to get up early as the most vivid moments are found from 07:00 A.M to 09:00 A.M. Local bring to the market whatever they could get from their farms or the forests: herbal medicine, honey, chirping birds,...

Travel Guide to the Mai Chau Market, Hoa Binh

A knife shop at Mai Chau Market
A knife shop at Mai Chau Market


Seafood shop
Seafood shop


An overview of Mai Chau Market
An overview of Mai Chau Market


Silkworms as food
Silkworms as food


Spice shop
Spice shop


Live poutry shop
Live poutry shop




A fishmonger
A fishmonger


Medicinal mushrooms
Medicinal mushrooms


Fresh fruit shop
Fresh fruit shop


Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine


vegetables and green tea leaves
Vegetables and green tea leaves

Vietnam Travel Guide