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Muong Tac Valley, Son La Travel Guide
Country: Vietnam
Province: Son La

Tinh Son La Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: February 22, 2025, 1:22 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 16.06°C
Temperature feels like: 16.1°C
Minimum Temperature: 16.06°C
Maximum Temperature: 16.06°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1020hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.41m/sec
Wind Direction: 119 degrees
Cloudiness: 92%
Sunrise: 2025-02-21 11:30:06
Sunset: 2025-02-22 11:05:17

Muong Tac Valley is the fourth largest valley in the Northwest of Vietnam covering 1,600 hectares. The valley is surrounded by sublime mountains and is home to Black Thai, Hmong and Dao communities.

The name Muong Tac is from the name of the Tac River which is a branch of the Da River. Local farmers culture two rice crops per year at Muong Tac: one from February to June and the other from July to November.

Water buffalo at the Muong Tac Valley, Phu Yen, Son La
Water buffalo at the Muong Tac Valley, Phu Yen, Son La

Muong Tac is pristine and untouched by mass tourism. Most travelers only pass through the valley between Hanoi and Ta Xua. But there are Thai families in the valley who offer homestay service as well as opportunities for visitors to experience local culture.

Flooded fields at the Muong Tac Valley
Flooded fields at the Muong Tac Valley


Transplanting rice at Muong Tac Valley
Transplanting rice at Muong Tac Valley


Farming at Muong Tac
Farming at Muong Tac


Rice fields at Muong Tac
Rice fields at Muong Tac

How to get there

The Muong Tac Valley is 150km southeast of Son La provincial capital via Route 37, 180km northwest of Hanoi via Route 32 & Route 32B.


Vietnam Travel Guide