Tinh Ha Giang Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: March 7, 2025, 1:26 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 14.92°C
Temperature feels like: 14.43°C
Minimum Temperature: 14.92°C
Maximum Temperature: 14.92°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1022hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 0.24m/sec
Wind Direction: 120 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-06 11:16:33
Sunset: 2025-03-07 11:05:53
Meo Vac District of Ha Giang is 170km from the provincial capital town of Ha Giang Province. Meo Vac shares the border with Dong Van District of Ha Giang Province to the west and north; with Bao Lam District of Cao Bang Province to the southeast; with Yen Minh District to the south and with China to the east.
Traveling to Meo Vac was almost impossible earlier, transport has been made much easier by the newly-made systems of roads which offer heavenly beauty of nature.
Meo Vac has most of the terrain in the Rock Plateau of Dong Van and with averaged altitude of 1,150m above sea level. The terrain of Meo Vac is steep with 25-35o grades.

There are two rivers at Meo Vac: the Nhiem River and the Nho Que River. The Nho Que River flows north-south from China to Dong Van and Meo Vac with the length of 20km in Meo Vac. The Nhiem River starts from Yen Minh flowing through Meo Vac and converges with the Nho Que near Cao Bang.
The Town of Meo Vac Ha Giang Vietnam
Weather and Climate
Meo Vac has a temperate climate: rainy season from May through October and dry season from November through next April. It is often cold and with frost in the dry season. The averaged annual rainfall is 1,600-1,700mm. It is advisable to exercise caution if you travel in Meo Vac during the rainy as there may be landslides or rock slides.
The draw card for the travellers to travel to Meo Vac is the sublime mountains that never out of sight
People and Population
Meo Vac is inhabited by 17 different ethnic minorities including the H'mong, the King, Tay, Dzao...The Hmong accounts for 90% of the local population. Most ethnic groups have maintained their culture untouched from the outside world.
Meo Vac Market is on Sunday morning only
Travel Guide, What to see, Tourist Attractions, Things to do in Meo Vac Ha Giang
The road from Meo Vac Town to Dong Van Town is 23km which is via the sublime beauty of Ma Pi Leng Pass. Meo Vac has a harsh climate in the winter which is from November to April with dry and freezing cold weather.

The tourist highlights at Meo Vac include the Ma Pi Leng Mountain Pass with Tu San Canyon which is the deepest in Vietnam. Visiting ethnic villages can bring interesting insights of local cultures.
Also, the Khau Vai Love Market, where ex-lovers could find back sensational moments, is held once a year on the 27th of the Third Lunar Month. The adventure travelers may like to experience a boat trip or a kayaking experience on the Nho Que in between towering mountain peaks.
It's easy to recognize those who come to the market are from H'mong, Tay, Zao, Giay communities....
The busiest time of Meo Vac market is from 07:00 AM to 10:00 A.M
While the women come to the market mainly for trade, the men come mainly for socializing and drinking
Paradissa offers adventure tours by jeep and motorbike tours through Meo Vac. Paradissa is also in the process of researching and developing trekking tours with homestay in the area of Meo Vac.