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Vuong Family's Residence Ha Giang
Country: Vietnam
Province: Ha Giang
District: Dong Van

Tinh Ha Giang Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: February 22, 2025, 12:06 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 17.36°C
Temperature feels like: 17.74°C
Minimum Temperature: 17.36°C
Maximum Temperature: 17.36°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1020hPa
Visibility: 398m
Wind speed: 0.92m/sec
Wind Direction: 143 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-02-21 11:27:24
Sunset: 2025-02-22 10:59:59

Vuong Family was considered the King of the Hmong People in Dong Van, Ha Giang in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The residence with Chinese architecture was built in the scenic valley of Sa Phin, 20km from Dong Van Town.

Travel Guide to the Vuong Family's Residence, Ha Giang

It is said that the Hmong King then hired a Chinese feng shui specialist who came over to Dong Van and helped the King to find a good place to build a residence for his family. The site in the valley of Sa Phin was chosen as it has the shape of a tortoise-shell which is deemed auspicious. The structure was built out of wood and rock only. The rock was exploited from a mine 7km from Sa Phin. The wood was of pine trees. Some part of the wood has been replaced with iron wood and teak wood after renovations recently.

Gate to Vuong Family's Residence
Gate to Vuong Family's Residence

The complex is a 2-storey building with 64 rooms which could accommodate up to 100 people.  The complex has inner yards bringing sunlight to all the rooms. It is not only the place where the King's family lived, but also where he worked. There were bed rooms, working rooms, an opium cellars, guard posts,... The walls are of stone with bullet-proof thickness. The pillar bases are made of stones which were chiseled with the shapes of poppy buds.

Vuong Family's Residence in Dong Van Plateau
Vuong Family's Residence in Dong Van Plateau

The complex has been turned into a museum nowadays. The site of the former residence is by Road 4C which could be visited conveniently for those traveling from Ha Giang to Dong Van.

Entrance to the Vuong Family's Residence
Entrance to the Vuong Family's Residence
The dark alley leads to different inner sections of the complex
The dark alley leads to different inner sections of the complex

Inside the residence
The complex includes different sections, each of the section has an inner yard to allow light in, this ensures the residence's privacy and well-lightedness


Wall of rock of Vuong Family's Residence
Surrounding the residence is a wall of rock without mortar


Security Force
Apart from family's room, there are different function rooms such as room of security force


Familys' room of Vuong Residence
Room for the chief of the security force...


Vuong Family's Residence Dong Van
The complex has 2 wooden stories, all look onto the inner yards


Staircase to the first floor
Staircase to the first floor


The working room of the King
The most inner section is where the King worked

Vietnam Travel Guide