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Pac Bo Cao Bang
Country: Vietnam
Province: Cao Bang

Tinh Cao Bang Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: February 21, 2025, 12:54 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 14.35°C
Temperature feels like: 14.43°C
Minimum Temperature: 14.35°C
Maximum Temperature: 14.35°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1021hPa
Visibility: m
Wind speed: 1.1m/sec
Wind Direction: 89 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-02-20 11:24:04
Sunset: 2025-02-21 10:55:33

Pac Bo is in Ha Quang District of Cao Bang Province, 50km from Cao Bang Town. Pac Bo was where Ho Chi Minh returned to Vietnam after 30 years traveling the world seeking ways to liberate Vietnam from the French rule.

Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam
Road to Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam

Travel Guide to Pac Bo, Cao Bang

How to get there

The road from Cao Bang Town to Pac Bo is flanked by towering mountains and rice fields. There are a number of Nung and Tay villages along the way.

Mountains in Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam
Mountains in Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam

After an hour or so following the scenic road, you'll come to a breathtaking valley inhabited by the Nung people. Following the path along the main stream for an hour on foot, we'll arrive at the foot of a high mountain where the water comes out from underground. This is the mountain where Coc Bo cave is located.

Path leading to Coc Bo Cave - Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam
Path leading to Coc Bo Cave - Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam


Coc Bo Cave was where President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked after returning to Vietnam. It was here that he prepared documents for the coming revolution and where he contacted his comrades to discuss about the course of the revolution. President Ho Chi Minh was specially protected by the local Nung people.

Forest around Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam
Forest around Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam

What is it like?

Hiking through the forested mountains, you'll come to a rocky area where Coc Bo Cave is located. There are also many small caves like this in the area. China is only a few meters away from here. Coc Bo was a secret area and it was easy to escape to China should there have been be an ambush.

Coc Bo Cave - Cao Bang - Vietnam
Coc Bo Cave where President Ho Chi Minh worked to prepare for the revolution

The cave is pretty small, maybe enough for just one person. There's a table that President Ho Chi Minh worked, while there's another table down the stream where he worked everyday.

Coc Bo Cave where President Ho Chi Minh worked to prepare for the revolution
The table in Coc Po Cave where President Ho Chi Minh worked

The water at Pac Bo (meaning the "water source") is very clear and supposedly drinkable. It's be good if you visit the cave and have some time by the stream to taste the local tea and recall how nice it was living and working here.

The stream of which water comes ouf of the mountains, Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam
The stream of which water comes ouf of the mountains, Pac Bo - Cao Bang - Vietnam

Paradissa organizes a half a day tour to Pac Bo from Cao Bang City for travelers interested in learning about the Vietnamese history and Ho Chi Minh's life. Our company also offers well researched historical tours for those who want to get in-depth knowledge of the Vietnamese history.

Cao Bang Average Monthly Rainfall and Temperatures

Vietnam Travel Guide