Son Tay Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: January 21, 2025, 10:37 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Clear Sky
Temperature: 22.87°C
Temperature feels like: 22.2°C
Minimum Temperature: 22.87°C
Maximum Temperature: 22.87°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1010hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 5.42m/sec
Wind Direction: 134 degrees
Cloudiness: 1%
Sunrise: 2025-01-20 11:37:27
Sunset: 2025-01-21 10:40:38
Duong Lam Village of Ha Tay Province is over 50km from Hanoi and can be day-tripped by bike, by motorbike or by car. Duong Lam Village and others nearby have been in a poor area of Vietnam, and maybe that's the good reason that some old buildings survive the damage of time, of wars... and keep on boasting the weathered atmosphere and quaint old feel as you walk your way through the narrow roads flanked with houses built of sandstone...
Entrance to Duong Lam
Travel Guide to Duong Lam Village, Ha Tay (Hanoi)
Though not all old buildings in the village are "old", as some well-to-do families nowadays tend to build houses copying those of the past, but it's not hard at all to find an architecture of 300-400 hundred years old walking about the communities. Though poor as it was and has been, Duong Lam was home to some great and influential people of Vietnam including King Phung Hung (8th-9th century A.D), King Ngo Quyen (10th century A.D) who laid the foundation of what is Vietnam nowadays; Phan Family - Mandarinal family with the patriot Phan Ke Toai who were a famous mandarin under the Nguyen Dynasty, a government official in the Japanese-backed government and later in the Minister of Internal Affairs in Ho Chi Minh's government.
Entrance to Duong Lam
Paradissa offers a day trip to Duong Lam from Hanoi by car or by motorbike. P.aradissa Travel also offers bicycle tours around Duong Lam upon request, but please kindly be informed that sometimes local people ride motorbikes recklessly in the village which may be dangerous to our travellers. The trips to Duong Lam are for you to find the traditional culture of Vietnam which have vanished in most areas of the country. As time goes by and people of Duong Lam have a better life, it's likely that the old marks are in danger of disappearing. When visiting Duong Lam, please kindly help to preserve the old architecture and old feel of the village.
A teashop at Duong Lam
The Community House of the Village
A family worshiping house
An old house at Duong Lam
A deserted house
A narrow alley with traditional houses
A narrow alley with traditional houses
Son Tay Average Monthly Rainfall and Temperatures